A track record that speaks for itself.
With decades of combined experience advancing the rights of those affected by mass wrongdoing, the partners of Echo Law have led a number of groundbreaking cases.
In doing so, they have delivered more than $850 million in class action settlements and judgments.
Significant Experience
Listed below are some of the cases which the partners of this firm either led or were significantly involved in prior to founding Echo Law.
Clark v NAB - $49.5 million settlement
A consumer class action against the National Australia Bank and MLC Ltd on behalf of group members who held consumer credit insurance for their credit card or personal loans. The claim alleged that NAB and MLC engaged in unconscionable conduct by selling the consumer credit insurance product to persons who were ineligible to claim under the terms of the policies.
Fordham v CBA - $50 million settlement
A class action against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and insurer Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd alleging that customers were sold consumer credit insurance which was of no or little value to them because they were excluded from claiming if they had certain characteristics such as pre-existing health conditions.
Reilly v ANZ - $47 million settlement
A consumer class action against ANZ and various insurers alleging that consumer credit insurance products were sold to customers in circumstances where they were not informed that the insurance was optional and that the policies provided no or little value to them.
Kemp v Westpac - $29 million settlement
A class action alleging that Westpac and associated insurers sold consumer credit insurance products to customers which they were ineligible to claim under, including because they were contract workers as was the case with the representative applicant.
Superannuation Class Actions
Six class actions against trustees of multiple superannuation funds including Colonial First State, AMP, BT Super and ANZ, alleging that improper fees were charged, and that profits for those companies and their associated entities were wrongly prioritised over securing appropriate returns for members of the funds.
Modtech v GPT - $75 million settlement
A shareholder class action against GPT Group Ltd on behalf of more than 2300 group members, alleging misleading or deceptive conduct and breaches of continuous disclosure obligations as a listed entity, which settled following a trial in the Federal Court of Australia.
Earglow v Sigma Pharmaceuticals - $57.5 million settlement
A shareholder class action against Sigma Pharmaceuticals Ltd alleging breaches of the company’s continuous disclosure obligations in relation to information about goodwill impairments against excess inventory and a surprise $389 million net loss.
McKay v Bellamy’s Australia - $50 million settlement
A shareholder class action against Bellamy’s Australia Ltd alleging that the company misled the market and failed to disclose material information about its sales of infant nutrition products in the Australian and Chinese consumer markets.
Court v Spotless - $95 million settlement
A shareholder class action against Spotless Group Holdings Ltd on behalf of shareholders, alleging that the company made misleading representations in respect of future earnings, and withheld information from the investor market about its financial performance.
Endeavour River v Murray Goulburn - $42 million settlement
A class action against Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co and its subsidiary on behalf of unitholders in Murray Goulburn’s listed entity the MG Unit Trust, alleging that the company engaged in misleading conduct in relation to a product disclosure statement which contained representations about the financial forecast for FY16.
Fisher v Vocus Group - $35 million settlement
A shareholder class action against Vocus Group Ltd alleging that the company failed to properly inform the investor market about the impact of delayed synergies from acquisitions on its financial performance.
Newstart v Billabong - $45 million settlement
A shareholder class action against Billabong International Ltd alleging that the company provided misleading guidance about its future financial performance which failed to account for a deterioration in trading conditions.
Other shareholder class actions against ASX-listed entities including:
• Centro Properties Ltd
• Nufarm Ltd
• Newcrest Mining Ltd
• Vocation Ltd
• Brambles Ltd
• Treasury Wine Estates Ltd
• G8 Education Ltd
• The a2 Milk Company Ltd
• Beach Energy Ltd -
Kamasaee v Commonwealth of Australia - $70 million (plus costs) settlement
A class action alleging negligence and false imprisonment on behalf of persons detained on Manus Island against the Commonwealth of Australia, G4S Australia Pty Ltd and Broadspectrum Pty Ltd.
Margaret River Bushfire Claims
Claims on behalf of clients affected by the 2011 Margaret River bushfires, recovering compensation for uninsured losses, including for diminution in property values.
Peterson v Merck Sharpe & Dohme
A class action against the manufacturer of the pharmaceutical arthritis drug Vioxx which alleged that the drug caused cardiovascular side-effects including heart attacks in patients.
WP v Secretary, Department of Home Affairs
A representative privacy complaint conducted on a pro bono basis against the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for publishing the details of nearly 10,000 people in immigration detention. The claim was successful in the first instance, with damages awarded to affected asylum seekers who had lodged a claim. Currently under appeal.
Creighton v Australian Executor Trustees - $28.5 million settlement
A claim on behalf of investors who were issued debentures by Provident Capital Ltd, alleging that Australian Executor Trustees failed to comply with their obligations as trustee of Provident, resulting in significant losses for investors when the entity collapsed.